Hunters say Badlands' neck gaiters are practically perfect. Well, that "practically" told us we could make them EVEN BETTER. So we lined a portion of our Bonfire Neck Gaiter with the softest, warmest fleece we could get our hands on.
Hunters say Badlands' neck gaiters are practically perfect. Well, that "practically" told us we could make them EVEN BETTER. So we lined a portion of our Bonfire Neck Gaiter with the softest, warmest fleece we could get our hands on. When you want breathability, cover your mouth and nose with the unlined portion. Want extra warmth? Spin your Bonfire gaiter around so the fleece covers your mouth and nose. Outside, you'll look like every other hunter dealing with the cruddy weather. Inside? You'll feel like you're parked next to the campfire, in your Bonfire Neck Gaiter.
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